Starting with the Learner: Inclusive Instruction as Teaching with Social Justice

  • January 14, 2022 | 12:00 MT

In this interactive webinar, participants will consider how to make simple proactive instructional design decisions that will provide an inclusive learning environment, which will be framed as teaching with social justice.  In addition, resources for additional learning will be both solicited and shared among those in attendance.


Workshop Leader

Joel Amidon is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Mississippi, co-host of the Teaching Math Teaching Podcast, co-host of the Teacher’s Journey: Mile Markers on the Road to Better Teaching podcast, host of the Amidon Planet Podcast, and former high school mathematics teacher. His specialization is in mathematics education and the improvement of pedagogy to address issues of equity and diversity. Simply put, Dr. Amidon’s work is focused on leading people to love others through teaching.

Joel Amidon, Ph.D.

Joel Amidon, Ph.D.