Every Learner Advisory Council
One of the core beliefs of the Every Learner Everywhere network is that meaningful change and progress must be built in community. The new Every Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) is designed to include the perspectives of all network partners, as well as external national experts, faculty, and institutional leaders, many of whom share the lived experiences of Black, Latino, Indigenous, poverty-affected, and first-generation students. The ELAC provides advice and guidance regarding all aspects of the functioning of the Every Learner network and its strategic priorities, including advancing racial justice and socioeconomic equity through digital learning. The ELAC helps us to facilitate collaborations and connections amongst partners and to broadly emphasize the expansiveness, diversity, contextualization, opportunities, and challenges of equitable digital learning.

Dr. Teresa Leary Handy
Program Chair, Academic Engagement Center of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Arizona Global Campus

Dr. Frank Harris, III
Sr. VP of Research and Development, CORA Learning

Dr. Laura Niesen de Abruña
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Megan Raymond
Senior Director, Membership and Programs, WCET

Joseph Rendon
Student Representative, Economics Major, Fort Lewis College

Dr. Elizabeth Rodriguez
Dean of Academic Innovation & Technology, Laredo College

Paula Talley
Executive Director, Program Development, Achieving the Dream