Every Learner Everywhere
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

APLU Adapt 2021: Faculty Professional Learning

Supporting Faculty to Succeed

Who needs to be involved to move the needle on student success? What does a college-wide faculty-based coordinated effort look like? Implementing adaptive courseware requires individuals from across institutional units to work collaboratively toward clearly identified instructional goals. This faculty professional learning session helps participants identify roles and engage a strategic set of stakeholders to support a strong implementation plan. College teams involved in the Every Learner Everywhere Adaptive Courseware initiative will share what they learned to build cross-functional teams to integrate adaptive courseware in foundational courses.

Presenters: Michele Hampton, Professor of Business Administration, Cuyahoga Community College; Kevin Dranuski, Senior Instructional Designer, Cuyahoga Community College; and Sarah Goode, Senior Instructional Technologist, Cuyahoga Community College

Recommended citation:

Hampton, M., Dranuski, K., and Goode, S., (2021, December 3) APLU Adapt 2021: Faculty Professional Learning – Supporting Faculty to Succeed [Video] APLU and Every Learner Everywhere


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