Every Learner Everywhere
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

Adaptive Placement and Summer Transition Service

APLU will assist institutions that are committed to leveraging bridge programs with adaptive technologies in mathematics and English to improve student high school outcomes, pathway to college, and equip students with success strategies. With support from APLU and its network of educational experts and exemplar institutions, universities will learn how to effectively adopt and implement digital instructional technologies and develop customized curricular programming that can improve student retention, course completion, and credit accumulation while decreasing students’ cost of education and time necessary to graduate. Universities will receive consultation services that will center the student experience, prioritizing the integration of proven policies and practices that improve student sense of belonging, mindset, sense of inclusive, and motivation. Participating universities will customize their approach on summer bridge programs, examples could include a summer bridge program continued use of adaptive tools, intensive student success orientation, co-requisite course, or a combination of these examples for incoming populations beyond local high school students. APLU will provide technical assistance to connect to additional project partners and vendors. Each partner will provide technical consulting on product use and implementation strategies.



Individual institution or cohort model with deep institutional coaching and consultation


3-6 months or 1 term with 2 term option for inclusion of refinement/assessment