Every Learner Everywhere
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Achieving the Dream
Online Learning Consortium

Disciplinary Communities of Practice

In this unique professional development opportunity, faculty can connect and collaborate with like-minded peers both within and outside of their institution. In a series of faculty and expert-led facilitated workshops, faculty will learn practical approaches to effective, equitable, and technology-supported teaching and learning. The communities are designed to encourage professional development, mentorship, and support for innovation in instructional practices. Depending on engagement by discipline and across institutions, participants will have the opportunity to meet both in discipline-specific communities and as a larger, interdisciplinary group. Community members will also engage with each other on a structured asynchronous platform where faculty can continue discussions, share resources, and advance the field’s understanding of how to best implement digital learning in their subject areas. Participants will share their experiences applying principles of culturally responsive teaching, digital learning, community building, and data-informed instruction to meet the needs of their courses and students. Dedicated disciplinary experts and facilitators will guide discussion and activities in the synchronous and asynchronous environments. The communities are led by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), in collaboration with the Every Learner Everywhere Network and our partner organizations Online Learning Consortium and Achieving the Dream.



Facilitated communities/series of synchronous workshops; single institution or cohort model (must include group of faculty either within an institution or across institutions)


1 or 2 semester option (3-6 months)