The goal of this service is to support institutions in improving the quality of teaching and learning and increase student success measures for Black, Latino, Indigenous, poverty-affected, and first-generation student communities across learning modalities. Participating institutions will receive support in the form of technical assistance provided by APLU and its partnering network, coaching institutions, and consultants support to redesign critical gateway courses by aligning adaptive courseware technologies with improved pedagogical practices. Depending on which service model is selected (1-3 academic terms), universities will receive support in the design, implementation, and continuous improvement of redesigned courses leveraging adaptive courseware. The full-service model will include planning and scoping of adaptive courseware implementation, courseware selection guidance and training, instructional and course design coaching, data and learning analytics training for faculty and academic team members, one-to-one coaching with APLU and its network of experts and exemplar institutions, and regular engagement with a cohort of peer institutions. On-site campus visits may be available once per participating semester.
Deep institutional coaching and consultation; regularly scheduled training workshops coaching sessions; institutional or cohort option
1-3 semesters available; depending on content selected by institution/cohort