This online course is designed for tribal college and university (TCU) faculty and support staff to learn the tools and strategies for designing effective, engaging, and learner-centered courses using digital tools and open content. The 6-week course, facilitated by ATD Teaching and Learning coaches, combines both asynchronous activities and weekly synchronous online meetings for a cohort of up to 30 TCU faculty and support staff. By the end of the course, participants will have drafted a course map and action plan for implementing an open course, as well as developed strategies for employing open and culturally affirming teaching practices designed to engage tribal college students. Course topics include:
- Developing Open Courses Using a Backward Design Framework
- Creating and Adapting Open Course Content for Indigenous Students
- Designing Equitable Digital Activities and Assessments
- Employing Open and Culturally Affirming Teaching Practices in Digital Environments
- Crafting Your Teaching Presence Online
- Course Review and Creating a Course Teaching Guide
ATD will survey participants at the end of each course and provide 1-2 page summary of participant feedback, course observations, and lessons learned.