The Adaptive Courseware for Early Success (ACES) Initiative was a grant-funded initiative supported through the Every Learner Everywhere network. The PLC provided intensive coaching, peer-mentorship, collaborative learning and networking opportunities, and educational resources and training to cross-functional, institutional teams at select institutions.
CSU improved and expanded adaptive courseware implementation to support redesign efforts and increase student engagement in chemistry, biology, and math.
UTRGV faculty from multiple campuses aligned instructional practices and adaptive courseware integration efforts into elementary statistics and college algebra courses.
By integrating open education resources with an adaptive learning platform, UTEP improved accessibility and cost to students taking introductory biology courses.
FIU established a highly collaborative, uniquely skilled, cross-functional team to create an effective adaptive tool that was free to engineering students and that could serve as a model for scale.
Building on existing resources and faculty support programs, UCF expanded adaptive courseware adoption into physics while prioritizing scaling efforts within the foreign languages department.
UToledo integrated existing faculty professional learning programming to support student-centered redesign efforts in math, chemistry, and anatomy and physiology classes.
Full report of digital learning adoption in seven community colleges in the ATD network.
Faculty at Cuyahoga Community College led efforts to implement and then scale adaptive courseware for gateway courses in more than a half-dozen disciplines.
Combining active learning with adaptive courseware leads to a statistically significant reduction of DFW grades in foundational courses.
Stakeholder engagement and close collaboration important to the adaptive courseware implementation process.
A case study at Colorado State University (CSU), found the use of active learning and adaptive courseware, along with an intentional faculty development program, are key in the implementation of adaptive courseware.
This case study looks at how active learning and learning analytics can improve student success in biology courses.
This case study on elementary Spanish looks at how to customize a course for a students by involving them in review and updates.
This case study looks at how biology students can make test bank questions relevant by co-writing them
In this case study, Arizona State University shares the progress of their adaptive courseware implementation.
This case study looks at faculty support and buy-in and draws on valuable insights from student focus groups.
Faculty share how they coordinated the redesign of their developmental math courses using adaptive learning courseware to successfully improve course Drop/Fail/Withdrawal rates.