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febrero 2024
In this report, you can read about the network’s impact in the areas of services, thought leadership, and student engagement. In addition, we recap our 2023 network convening, introduce our new Equity First Organization partners, feature some of our student interns, and give readers a preview of what’s ahead for the network in 2024.
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Materials are freely available on our website and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted.
junio 2024
In this report, we first describe our survey design. Second, we discuss the survey respondents’ demographic data. Third, we present the survey results broken into two main sections: one focused on use of culturally relevant instructional practices and one focused on use of culturally relevant course materials. This report concludes with implications for practice and future research on culturally relevant content in postsecondary education and gateway courses.
diciembre 2023
Culturally responsive pedagogy is a framework that is inclusive of culturally responsive and relevant teaching, and culturally affirming and sustaining instructional methodologies that validate and engage students’ cultural identities. These practical instructional strategies and practices guide the implementation of culturally responsive teaching and learning into educational spaces.
diciembre 2023
The Equity-Minded Digital Learning Strategy Guides help faculty intentionally and authentically affirm, uplift, and liberate students. As higher education continues to address eliminating inequitable outcomes in teaching and learning, these guides will help institutions embed equity, culturally responsive teaching, social justice education, and open pedagogy through evidence-based teaching practices.
diciembre 2023
Being able to choose course design, content, assignments, assessments, and instructional approaches based on the context of the learners and the current events of the times allows students to relate all areas of the course to their lives and equitizes their experiences and outcomes. This guide is designed to support faculty with operationalizing open pedagogy through a culturally responsive lens.
diciembre 2023
Advancing social justice in education requires establishing educational spaces that foster students’ critical consciousness and ability to analyze systems, policies, and practices that lead to inequitable and unjust experiences and outcomes. A social justice approach to education involves two strategies that will be featured in this guide: anti-racist teaching and abolitionist teaching.
diciembre 2023
This paper describes the outcomes of a Digital Learning Equity Analysis project undertaken by two award-winning educators, Sarah Straub and Rachel Jumper, who sought to implement suggestions from the microcredential training hosted by Every Learner Everywhere. This training focused on promoting equity in digital learning and provided a structured protocol for conducting reviews of online courses.
abril 2022
The equity review tool is designed for educators striving to create more validating and affirming learning experiences and environments for students. Using this tool, educators will be able to develop and evaluate their resources and the language they use to ensure they are asset-based and supportive of a more equitable teaching and learning process.
enero 2022
This report focuses on building the core infrastructure needed for high-quality digital learning and is designed primarily for a mid- to senior-level academic administrators including department chairs, leaders of centers of teaching and learning, technology leaders, and academic leadership.
julio 2021
Faculty share experiences of developing and implementing active, interactive, and adaptive introductory physics courses. The design allows students to work at their own pace, choosing support items presented to them via the adaptive feature of the course, and explore concepts through simulations with activities.
diciembre 2020
A virtual educator professional development session led by Cherise McBride with reflection on the urgency of humanization in online learning environments and examples from practice.
diciembre 2020
A virtual educator professional development session exploring why trauma-aware teaching must center diversity, equity, and inclusion.
diciembre 2020
A brief exploration on how faculty can position cultural knowledge and centering identity as a cognitive tool.