As part of ongoing efforts to improve teaching and learning and increasestudent success, seven ATD network institutions participated in an Every Learner Everywhere network pilot project using advances in digital learning to address high failure rates in foundational courses, particularly among economically marginialized and racaily minoritized student populations. This report is an executive summary of our findingins following the implementation of digital learning tools.
Download the Executive SummaryRecommended citation:
Achieving the Dream. (March 25, 2022). Executive Summary Adaptive Courseware: New Models to Support Student Learning. Acheiving the Dream and Every Learner Everywhere.
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The Equity-Minded Digital Learning Strategy Guides help faculty intentionally and authentically affirm, uplift, and liberate students. As higher education continues to address eliminating inequitable outcomes in teaching and learning, these guides will help institutions embed equity, culturally responsive teaching, social justice education, and open pedagogy through evidence-based teaching practices.
June 2023
The Adaptive Courseware for Early Success (ACES) Initiative was a grant-funded initiative supported through the Every Learner Everywhere network. The PLC provided intensive coaching, peer-mentorship, collaborative learning and networking opportunities, and educational resources and training to cross-functional, institutional teams at select institutions.