
Equitizing Syllabi Case Study

Faculty at New York City’s Lehman College participating in an intensive professional development project radically rewrote their syllabi and, indirectly, transformed their course design and teaching practices to put students at the center of learning.

Putting Equity Into Practice: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

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Culturally responsive pedagogy is a framework that is inclusive of culturally responsive and relevant teaching, and culturally affirming and sustaining instructional methodologies that validate and engage students’ cultural identities. These practical instructional strategies and practices guide the implementation of culturally responsive teaching and learning into educational spaces.

The Equity-Minded Digital Learning Strategy Guides

Equity-Minded Digital Learning Instructional Strategy Guides cover page

The Equity-Minded Digital Learning Strategy Guides help faculty intentionally and authentically affirm, uplift, and liberate students. As higher education continues to address eliminating inequitable outcomes in teaching and learning, these guides will help institutions embed equity, culturally responsive teaching, social justice education, and open pedagogy through evidence-based teaching practices.

Putting Equity Into Practice: Open Pedagogy

Open Pedagogy Cover Page

Being able to choose course design, content, assignments, assessments, and instructional approaches based on the context of the learners and the current events of the times allows students to relate all areas of the course to their lives and equitizes their experiences and outcomes. This guide is designed to support faculty with operationalizing open pedagogy through a culturally responsive lens.

Putting Equity Into Practice: Social Justice Education

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Advancing social justice in education requires establishing educational spaces that foster students’ critical consciousness and ability to analyze systems, policies, and practices that lead to inequitable and unjust experiences and outcomes. A social justice approach to education involves two strategies that will be featured in this guide: anti-racist teaching and abolitionist teaching.

Digital Learning Equity Analysis Project

Digital Learning Equity Analysis Cover Page

This paper describes the outcomes of a Digital Learning Equity Analysis project undertaken by two award-winning educators, Sarah Straub and Rachel Jumper, who sought to implement suggestions from the microcredential training hosted by Every Learner Everywhere. This training focused on promoting equity in digital learning and provided a structured protocol for conducting reviews of online courses.

Listening to Learners 2023

Tyton partners’ Listening to Learners 2023 reveals that while 70% of students value representative diversity among advisors, only 30% of institutions report scaled implementation of this hr practice. Cutting-edge research identifies strategies to enhance student outcomes and create a sense of belonging in higher education.

Time for Class 2023

This 2023 study – the largest and longest running study monitoring digital learning in higher education – aims to identify the differences between student and institutional stakeholder experiences and preferences to suggest ways institutions and solution providers can address these differences.

Time for Class 2022

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Time for Class 2022 examines how faculty and institutional leaders are using instructional materials to implement teaching practices that can improve student learning and outcomes, especially for students historically underserved by higher education. This report reviews how digital learning in high-enrollment introductory courses can enable instructors to incorporate evidence-based teaching practices and work to close equity gaps in courses.

Caring for the Whole Student

Caring for the whole student Cover page

Colleges and universities can help alleviate the burden students face every day, including restructuring mental health support on campus, providing options for digital learning, encouraging teachers to apply trauma-informed teaching practices, and connecting students with the resources they need to thrive.

Democratizing Learning Environments

In this webinar, participants engage in dialogue and discourse with panelists about co-creating environments that support and humanize students’ academic experiences while affirming their strengths and potential in the classroom.

Equity Review Tool

Equity Review Tool Cover Page

The equity review tool is designed for educators striving to create more validating and affirming learning experiences and environments for students. Using this tool, educators will be able to develop and evaluate their resources and the language they use to ensure they are asset-based and supportive of a more equitable teaching and learning process.

Supporting Student Success at the Course Level

Supporting Student Success Cover Page

This report describes the Every Learner Everywhere supports for lighthouse institutions, the experiences and accomplishments of course improvement teams at those institutions, and implications for future efforts to improve teaching and learning practices in higher education.

Supporting Adjunct Faculty: Research-based Recommendations

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This webinar will highlight the findings of the WCET and OLC Adjunct Faculty Survey and provide research-based recommendations for supporting institutional leaders, support staff who work with adjunct faculty, and adjunct faculty members themselves.

APLU Adapt 2021: Finding the Right Fit

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In this session, faculty and academic leadership share the process of evaluating, selecting, or building adaptive courseware to be implemented in their courses and on their campuses.

APLU Adapt 2021: Opening Plenary

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An opening plenary on the critical role technology plays in increasing access to educational and employment opportunities for post-secondary learners.

A Case Study of Adaptive Learning Technology in Science

The study suggests that adaptive learning technology helped students who need support with prerequisite concepts, provided tools to help guide students through complex, multistep processes, gave faculty insights into concepts students were struggling with, and reduced the cost of course materials.

Re-Writing Writing

Re-Writing Writing Report Cover

This report summarizes the work of the Re-Writing Writing workshop where we invited a diverse range of digital learning experts to bring their distributed knowledge of digital tools to a four-session virtual workshop.

Lessons Learned: A Toolkit for Post-Pandemic Higher Education with Equity and Student Care at the Center

Lessons Learned: A Toolkit for Post-Pandemic Higher Education Cover

Lessons Learned is made up of over 30 recommendations for improving practices in higher education. It asks where unexpected benefits showed themselves among the forced necessity of emergency remote teaching, and it encourages faculty, administrators, and academic and student support colleagues to continue collaborating to remove barriers, improve access, and update methods and tools.

Teaching with a Cobot, not a Robot

Teaching with a Cobot Active and Adaptive Learning Cover

This presentation explores four dimensions of motivation and feedback, two learning science pillars that engage students in the learning process and fosters long-term memories with active and adaptive learning.

Emerging SMART Technologies

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Learn about the development and impact of the Internet of Everything (IoE) SMART technologies (EduGadget) of mobile devices, smartphones, wearables, and virtual – augmented reality.

Time for Class 2021

Time for Class: Digital Learning and Courseware Cover

Time for Class is a comprehensive longitudinal survey of 4,000+ higher education faculty and administrators, fielded since 2014 by Tyton Partners.

Planning for a Blended Future

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This guide moves beyond getting started with blended learning to help educators realize the best of online and onsite instruction and implement research-driven techniques to positively influence student outcomes.